Welcome to the SSPI Luxembourg Chapter
We are a relevantly young and dynamic chapter bringing together a thriving Luxembourgish space industry. Home and headquarters of leading satellite operators, uplinks, ground equipment manufacturers and service providers, we are open to any industry colleague who is active in the space and satellite communications industry sharing our passion. As Luxembourg is in the heart of Europe, we are fueled by great people working in Luxembourg and based in the region including all bordered countries, Belgium, Germany and France.
Join Us Today
If you share our passion for connecting with people networking with the industry, we invite you to join us at any of our networking events in Luxembourg and our beautiful Moselle-river wine region.
The SSPI Luxembourg chapter was founded end of 2019 by space and satellite industry professionals who gathered previously as “Mosel-Satcom-Stammtisch” with main activities in exchanging information, organizing meetings and networking events and teleport tours. In addition to fulfilling its mission of serving space and satellite industry professionals, the SSPI Luxembourg chapter is also indirectly driving the development of the industry as a whole with several of our members being active next to their day-to-day job in various industry bodies and industry-led consortiums.
Get Involved
While you can join our meetings and events without being an SSPI member, we live and highly value SSPI’s mission as our industry’s largest, most international and cross-disciplinary network of individuals and companies. It is where the people of space and satellite do business, from new hires to seasoned executives, in startups on the launch pad and mature companies with billions in revenue. Those people are our mission, because they make up an industry whose technology and capabilities are indispensable to the world. Learn more
Stay in Touch
- Use this link to let us know how to stay in touch with you: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SSPILuxMailingList
- Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sspi-luxembourg
- Check-out our upcoming event and meet us, soon!
See you!
Become a Sponsor
Talk to us! We can offer a sponsorship at any of our upcoming events or tailor a dedicated event around your needs.
Contact Details
Contact Luxembourg Chapter President Kerstin Roost for more information on the chapter.
Chapter Board
President: Kerstin Roost, ST Engineering iDirect
VP: Thomas Eggenweiler, Neuraspace
VP: Stephan Heirbrant, LuxGovSat
VP: Thomas Wrede,
Technology Vision Consulting
Welcome our new SSPI Luxembourg Chapter Board Member: Tom Mladenov, SES